Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Gothic In Macbeth

I.1 - The main Gothic element in this scene would be the weather, the stage direction 'Thunder and lightning, Enter three Witches' - this then allows the audience to feel and see a Gothic atmosphere. Going back to elements of Gothic literature and witches, This act can almost certainly be seen as a Gothic opening.

I.2 - I don't feel this scene is particularly Gothic but the talk of war and associating subjects slowly Carry's on the Gothic genre but doesn't add to much. This allows the audience to stay focused on the play but not forget the type of literature.

I.3 - This scene goes back the the Gothic weather and starts to add more of the the witches - The witches then give their prophesy and starts the bulk of the play and the Gothic lit behind it.

Gothic Research - The Explained Supernatural

-It is a genre of the gothic in which the laws of everyday life stay intact and permit an explanation or even dismissal of the allegedly supernatural phenomena

'In Ann Radcliffe's books she questions both the reader and the character wheather the weird phenomena is happening because of the laws of nature or because of the same supernatural intervention - at the end of her novels she always give a normal explanation for what seemed supernatural'

-Ann Radcliffe uses is in her novel The Mysteries of Udolpho - This book is also mentioned in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Coursework Ideas

I have read The Time Traveler's Wife By Audrey Niffenegger. I want to base my coursework around the idea of relationships and time, and thinking about how time can affect a relationships in different ways and how the author portrays this. Other books I have in mind are The Lovely Bones and Her Fearful Symmetry.